Out-of-shape elephants
It's been an interesting last few months here at Convention Central, including a fun period of time when I couldn't get my Blogger login to work.
But now it's back! Now Convention Apprehension can re-conquer the interweb and vanquish the pachyderms (metaphorically speaking)! Huzzah!
And just in time, because now things are getting serious. Triathlete, civic booster, and sometime-Mayor of Minneapolis R.T. Rybak, he of the mismatched socks and appearances at every last event within the city limits has once again demonstrated his unmatched energy, this time by leading Republican operatives on a 45-minute tour/sprint through downtown.
This just a few days after Hizzoner went tandem biking with Jay Leno sidekick Mo Rocca (who also apparently spent some quality time with Chris Coleman, the guy who runs the city across the river, what'sitcalled ... oh yeah, Saint Paul; Coleman played the bagpipes).
In other news, the Green Party just might have its 2008 convention in Minneapolis. It's hard to get excited ab0ut this -- what fun's a convention without the protests? Or without the ridiculously overboard corporate sponsorships? Or without, y'know, like, people who might actually influence policy in this country (and even stand a chance of being elected)? Insert your own joke about not being able to tell disheveled-looking Greenies from the panhandlers on Nicollet Mall.
And finally, this one came across the Convention Apprehension Newswire while the interweb was broken (or at least blog access): So ... you know how Saint Paul is actually kind of a small city? And you know how they're expecting 35,000 or so delegates and media representatives and elephant groupies? And you know how last time, in New York, where the elephants Never Forgot to milk the location for all its drama, there were something like 10,000 police officers?
Well, Saint Paul, wee village that it is, has a grand total of 600 or so police officers. And now they think they need 4,000. So if you have a badge of some kind -- vintage Lone Ranger collectible, Junior DARE Officer wedge-o'-plastic that you're using as an ashtray, or whatever -- please call Chief John Harrington and sign up for duty.
But now it's back! Now Convention Apprehension can re-conquer the interweb and vanquish the pachyderms (metaphorically speaking)! Huzzah!
And just in time, because now things are getting serious. Triathlete, civic booster, and sometime-Mayor of Minneapolis R.T. Rybak, he of the mismatched socks and appearances at every last event within the city limits has once again demonstrated his unmatched energy, this time by leading Republican operatives on a 45-minute tour/sprint through downtown.
This just a few days after Hizzoner went tandem biking with Jay Leno sidekick Mo Rocca (who also apparently spent some quality time with Chris Coleman, the guy who runs the city across the river, what'sitcalled ... oh yeah, Saint Paul; Coleman played the bagpipes).
In other news, the Green Party just might have its 2008 convention in Minneapolis. It's hard to get excited ab0ut this -- what fun's a convention without the protests? Or without the ridiculously overboard corporate sponsorships? Or without, y'know, like, people who might actually influence policy in this country (and even stand a chance of being elected)? Insert your own joke about not being able to tell disheveled-looking Greenies from the panhandlers on Nicollet Mall.
And finally, this one came across the Convention Apprehension Newswire while the interweb was broken (or at least blog access): So ... you know how Saint Paul is actually kind of a small city? And you know how they're expecting 35,000 or so delegates and media representatives and elephant groupies? And you know how last time, in New York, where the elephants Never Forgot to milk the location for all its drama, there were something like 10,000 police officers?
Well, Saint Paul, wee village that it is, has a grand total of 600 or so police officers. And now they think they need 4,000. So if you have a badge of some kind -- vintage Lone Ranger collectible, Junior DARE Officer wedge-o'-plastic that you're using as an ashtray, or whatever -- please call Chief John Harrington and sign up for duty.