Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Signed, sealed ...

Well, it's official. The paperwork is signed, no going back now.

Gov. Tim Pawlenty to the Republican National Convention: "You have made a great choice. We will not let you down."

Sen. Norm Coleman, according to the Strib, had visions of hoisting the Stanley Cup when he was working to lure the NHL to Minnesota. . . . Wait for it. . . . "But this goes way beyond that."

Because nothing says "triumph of the human spirit" like the world's biggest celebration of partisanship. I mean, what kid, especially in Minnesota, _hasn't_ dreamed of someday attending the Republican National Convention?

Quick, what's the difference between the NHL and the RNC? One features preening thugs with bad teeth and worse haircuts, fighting and jawing and, when all is said and done, uttering trite soundbites for the assembled reporters. And the other is hockey.


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