Friday, September 29, 2006

And what thinks Lileks?

As expected, every Minnesotan's favorite eccentric right-wing nut, James Lileks, has a few thoughts about having his crew come in to town for a big shebang.

Aaah, James Lileks. So amusing, sometimes. So damn quirky the Strib went out and gave him his own column called the Daily Quirk. (Which replaced a thrice-weekly gig called "Back Fence," which was a total ripoff of the PiPress's Bulletin Board page, but never mind that.) And yet, on matters of politics and current events, so ... What's that word? Shrill? Arrogant? Neo-Con-Wacko?? I dunno. Some combination of all of the above.

Anyway. Sez Mr. Lileks:
I can only imagine what confused New Yorkers will do when they find themselves in downtown St. Paul after hours, looking for hotcakes to soak up the liquor. Mickey’s will have a line out the door for six blocks. ... The real party work will take place in Minneapolis.

Oh yah you betcha, quirkster. You're damn right there won't be anything happening in St. Paul. I hope some of the convention-goers take the number 16 bus to get to and from the downtowns. That's free entertainment right there, although it just might get public transit funding cut entirely, depending on the nature of the entertainment that particular day.

As for Mickey's: Are you kidding me? Republicans don't go to diners. Republicans go to Johnny Rockets if they want a "diner," not a place where the guy sitting next to you is going to try to bum a cigarette and a quarter and a bus pass from you, where you can see the cook cough into your late-night omlette (and you rejoice because that means it'll actually have some flavor this time) and you can't even get a good martini. Any martini. Or a Coors.

Republicans. Do. Not. Go. To. Diners. Trust me, I'm a diner expert.


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